From the Senior Editor, Editors and Editorial Board
The Editor mainly, and with the support of the other editors, will consider the relevance of the work received being published following the protocol indicated in Editorial Norms. It is the responsibility of the Editor to be biased and to observe as a basic criterion the value of the work above other factors.
From the beginning, the main Editor (in Chief) will be able to dictate works so that they have a good continuation or are rejected for not being within the objectives of the journal or because they are not of the required quality and because the contribution is not significant and does not follow the indicated procedures
It is the responsibility of the Principal Editor to strictly maintain professional secrecy regarding the names of the authors and referees.
The Principal Editor will rely on the editors and the editorial group and other bodies of specialists from universities in the country and abroad for the evaluation and opinion of the works.
The publication decisions of the proposals received are based exclusively on the reports and recommendations of the referees of the peer review process. However, the final decision rests with the Senior Editor including requesting another expert opinion.
The main Editor must keep the author informed of the progress of the evaluation process.
The main editor may not accept works from the other editors of ENERGEIA if he considers it so. The main Editor will refrain from publishing in the journal. However, if you can promote certain topics to promote certain fields of research supported by the Editorial Committee.
The Editor will be the conduit to reject any manuscript that is involved in plagiarism, bad practices. The Editor could seek the advice of other editors of other journals to increase the security of these cases.
From the Authors
Manuscripts submitted to ENERGEIA must be original. They may be presented in another language accepted by the journal but committing to collaborate in a translation into Spanish.
Manuscripts must strictly follow the Publisher Guidelines for submitting papers.
Manuscripts must not contain content that could be fraudulent. Which contemplates fabricated or falsified data to obtain particular results.
If the authors discover a significant error or mistake in the publication, they owe it to communicate to the main Editor.
The authors must disclose the sources of funding for the research.
The authors must transfer the copyright to ENERGEIA. Authors may distribute their work free of charge for academic or scientific purposes.
Of the arbitrators and adjudicators
By accepting to be an arbitrator for ENERGEIA, you agree to review the work objectively, professionally and confidentially.
The referee will make his evaluation of the work known to the main Editor. This information may follow a guide provided by the Publisher or may be free. The report will be in writing where it is divided into two parts. One that is a recommendation to help the editor make a decision and another where constructive comments and recommendations of the work in question are made and where it is made known that the work is rejected for publication, that it can be reviewed and revisited. submit, or be accepted conditionally for corrections, or be accepted.
The reviewer is required to report to the Senior Editor any evidence of unethical behavior such as plagiarism, falsified information, and duplicate publication.
The referee must consider the manuscript under review as confidential. You must not use any of its content for your own benefit, nor circulate the manuscript to third parties.